
*TD Snap AAC Tobii Dynavox Training Companion- Weather

Help your student/client familiarize themselves with their AAC device and more specifically geared for *TD Snap AAC app from *Tobii Dynavox. Did you know that you can download the lite version for free? The lite version is the same as the paid version, except it does not have the voice output. This product is specifically designed for the *TD Snap app, but can be used with any AAC device or for anyone working on language skills.

Use as PDFs or use on BOOM™️ learning platform for easy access and storage.

This 'Weather' deck contains 36 slides with 18 different weather patterns targeted.

Lulu and Rocky want to go outside to play. Can you help them decide if it is safe? Look through the window with them. What do you think? Is it safe for them to play outside?

Possible Goals to Target (all can be with or without the use of an AAC device)

  • naming weather patterns via AAC or verbally

  • answering "what" questions- "What is the weather like outside?"

  • relating past experience- "Have you ever been in a really scary thunderstorm?"

  • answering yes/no questions- "Should Lulu and Rocky go out to play?"

  • expressing opinion- "Do you like when it snows? I do!"

(This was made to match TD Snap in 2022, the AAC app could have updated since so these slides might not match exactly anymore.)

Click here to view product in TPT store.

*Reproduced with permission from Tobii Dynavox, LLC ©2022 Tobii Dynavox. All rights reserved.


Social Skills- Understanding Non-verbal Body Language: Flirting